0 How To Dissertation Research and Writing

3 Important Things You Should Know About Dissertation Research & Writing

In-depth dissertation research is the most important part of your dissertation writing process. Without sufficient material, you won’t be able to write much. Therefore, it is crucial to acquire as much information, relevant to the theme of your dissertation, as possible. Let’s now discuss three important things that you should know when you start your research and writing.

1) Get Ready to Work Hard:

When you start your dissertation research, you won’t be able to give as much time to your friends and family as you used to. But you won’t be like this forever of course. You will be able to spend time again with your loved-ones once you are done with your research and writing. You need to understand that you have to remain focused. If you don’t have a definite plan and don’t stay focused, you won’t be able to accomplish much. But your efforts will pay off as soon as you are done with your dissertation because you will finally get your long-awaited degree.

2) Where to Search for Matter?

It’s not enough to know that you need to carry out an in-depth dissertation research; you should also know where you can find ample matter from. First of all, get into the habit of taking notes. When you read a journal, newspaper, book, article, or talk to your advisor, professors, friends, make sure you take notes. You also need to have access to both local and online libraries. Go through the prewritten dissertations to find sources for your own dissertation.

3) Research vs. Writing:

Collecting a lot of material for your dissertation is not enough. You should also know how each part of your dissertation is written and what it should contain. There is no need to start from chapter 1. If you feel comfortable with the 2nd chapter, start with chapter 2 then. Make sure you check your university guidelines and talk to your advisor regarding the length, format and writing style of your dissertation.

It is advisable to make up your mind that dissertation research won’t be easy. This way you will be able to prepare yourself and get ready to work hard for it. If you take it as an easy task, you will be disappointed and your disappointment will also lead to procrastinate. So, get ready to work hard, collect matter from all different sources and write your dissertation successfully.

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