0 BSc dissertation Writing

What should be your approach when you write your BSc dissertation to earn your Degree?

The purpose of your BSc dissertation writing  is to show what skills you have acquired and what you have learned in your BSc program. Not only you have to produce your original research, you also have to present your results in writing. So, what should be your approach when you write your BSc dissertation? Well, let’s now discuss a few important points that every BSc dissertation writer must know.

Your BSc Dissertation Sandwich Course:

You have to write your BSc dissertation in your final year. But don’t worry, neither will you have to actually do a sandwich course, nor will you be writing about sandwiches. Between your 2nd year and 4th year you can do a placement year, where you will work for one year and get real hands-on experience. Since your placement year is in the middle of your 2nd year and 4th year, like sandwiched in the middle, this is why it’s called a sandwich course.

You may choose to do a placement year, or move directly to your last year. Spending your 3rd year on placement will be very beneficial for you due to the real work experience that you will gain. The work that you do in your placement year can’t be reproduced in your final year BSc dissertation. Make sure you discuss this with your advisor and find out what should be done exactly.

Confirm How Many Times You Can Contact Your BSc Dissertation Supervisor:

You must stay in touch with your BSc dissertation writing supervisor. But you must confirm how many times you may contact your supervisor. Each student might have a maximum contact time of 7 hours or 8 hours. You must find out and utilize this time effectively. You will most likely meet him/her the most in the beginning to discuss your ideas, methods and issues. Later on you will give him your draft dissertation to get his or her comments. So, you must make sure you utilize this time as efficiently as possible.

Your Final Year BSc Dissertation vs. Essays

Let’s now talk about some differences between your BSc dissertation and essays. You write your BSc dissertation on a topic that you choose. Your BSc dissertation contains your original research. It should reflect your own thinking and it should be based on the literature and the data that you collect. After an in-depth research, you develop ideas and then present your results in writing.

So, collect as much information as you can, relevant to your BSc dissertation, in order to facilitate your BSc dissertation writing process and finally earn your degree.

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